Warrior wear makes a shirt based on the popular movie quote from The Karate Kid 80’s movie. “Cobra Kai Never Dies” has become a pop-culture phenomenon and has now infiltrated into MMA culture. This shirt is great shirt for you, if you are a fan of old school karate kid movies. The Warrior Cobra Kai Read More…
Warrior Cobra Kai Never Dies T Shirt
April 28, 2010 by MMA GEAR GUIDE
Filed Under: MMA T Shirts Tagged With: cobra kai never dies, cobra kai t shirt, karate kid, warrior, warrior t shirt s, warrior t shirts, warrior wear, warriorwear
Warrior International Barb MMA T Shirt
February 2, 2010 by MMA GEAR GUIDE

Warrior International has introduced their newest shirt entitled the “barb”. It’s a fitting name since there is a barbed wire graphic displayed down the left side. There are also familiar symbols that encompasses the Warrior style; such as the warrior helmet logo and a background collage of the Warrior name. Warrior International currently sponsors top Read More…
Filed Under: MMA T Shirts Tagged With: barb, mma-t-shirt, warrior, warrior international, warrior t shirts